Fear is a normal human reaction. Faisal Rehman, author of 11 Simple Things You Can Do To Get Over Your Inner Fear suggests that denying your fear is a common way of allowing it to integrate itself with your subconscious and cause you anxiety. An inner fear often develops on an account of a situation that may be beyond your control. Instead of trying to ignore it or reacting badly towards it, accept it. Embracing your inner fear means that you take control of the situation and expect the outcome to be in your favor. Just remember, it is okay to be afraid sometimes. Acceptance is the first step of overcoming your fear.


Assumptions and imagination can amplify your inner fears. During our moments of anxiety, we tend to over-dramatize a situation and imagine the worst-case scenarios that may not conform with reality. To overcome your inner fears, start by thinking of the positive outcomes. Don’t let your mind trick you – remain positive and you are likely to stay calm. Rehman explains that by thinking on a positive track of mind, it is likely for you develop the strength to face a situation.


Stop focusing on what you fear and what you don’t want, and start focusing on what you do want. If you constantly dwell on your fears and only think about all the bad things that have happened to you, or the bad things that could happen to you, then you will only attract more of the bad stuff that you don’t want to happen.


According to Rehman, the best way to overcome your fear is to explore yourself and find what makes you afraid the most – in phases. For example, if you are afraid of frogs, then start off by looking at a frog without freaking out. The next time, perhaps you could touch it, and then finally hold it in your hands. Of course you shouldn’t try this technique if you are afraid of snakes or alligators! If what you are afraid of is potentially hazardous, using the above analogy, visualize yourself going through the different phases. Once you have accomplished all the phases, it is more likely for you to overcome your fear.


Sometimes what we fear is also something that could create feelings of exhilaration in our bodies. Try to become fascinated by your fear so much that you start to enjoy experiencing it. A good example is extreme sports. People in extreme sports are not all fearless. They just are more thrilled in confronting their fear than being afraid of it. By seeing your fear as a potential source of energy, says Rehmen, you are likely to embrace it and eventually overcome it.


Literally. When facing your inner most fear, you may experience a state of panic, causing your brain to shut down and your entire body to react passively. At such times, remember: slow and deep breathing can provide relief from anxiety. It can help your body to calm down, regardless of what your brain is causing you to think. Try counting to 10 to clear your mind while taking a deep breath in. Then breathe out by counting to 10. Repeat this until you are able to calm yourself – which would probably take a minute or so. According to Rehman, this is an effective way of relaxing your mind and body to overcome the situation at hand.


When you have a sudden panic attack, usually your brain is being over-emotional and subsiding your logic. Rehman says that the best thing to do at this time is to use a different part of your brain and force yourself to think in a logical and analytic manner. To achieve this, try scaling your fear from 1-10 where 10 is the highest terrifying state. When you feel anxious, ask yourself what is the level of your anxiety? What exactly are you afraid of? By questioning your fear, you are forcing yourself to use the logical/analytical part of the brain (left hemisphere), steering yourself towards a calmer state of mind.


To leave your fears behind, even if just for a bit, you may try to meditate. Research in cognitive neuroscience shows that meditation changes brain structure and function in ways that decrease fear and panic. During meditation you can learn to direct your attention away from your inner most fears. Over time and with practice, you will find that when you are completely absorbed in a peaceful meditative state there is no room for the experience of fear. Achieving inner peace is one way in which meditation can help you overcome your fear.


Many psychologists recommend their patients to keep a journal and document their feelings whenever they become anxious. Documenting your feelings could be a source of catharsis, as they may help in pointing out the trigger behind your inner fears. There are also discussion groups and meetings for people with phobias and battling their inner demons. By joining a group, you can share and openly discuss your fears with others. Rehman points out that by facing the root cause of the fear, you are bettering your chances of finding a solution to conquer it.


Overcoming a deep-rooted inner fear implies taking small steps towards an overall recovery from it. Rehman suggests that you need to celebrate each victory as it comes along the way. If you don’t give yourself a pat on the back, chances are that you will indirectly discourage your improvement. It is important to recognize your gradual recovery and reward yourself in order to completely overcome the inner fear.

Research in epigenetics and quantum physics define the existence of molecular pathways connecting the mind and the body. Scientists now believe that the mind can control our bodily functions. Dr. Lipton, a pioneer in epigenetics believes that “our perception of the environment controls our DNA, not the other way around.” He claims that our perception not only controls our genes but it can also rewrite the genetic code. “The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly—you usually don’t use it at all. It uses you.” Eckhart Tolle



11 Simple Things You Can Do To Get Over Your Inner Fear by Faisal Rehman
The Holographic Universe: Part Five www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciJqoTUXRws