1. Assess your life
Evaluate your health, finances, work, home, family, and friends.  Look at all the aspects of your life and be honest about what areas are neglected and out-of-balance.

Are you as active and healthy as you want to be?
Are you managing comfortably or do you lie awake at night worrying about money?
Is your work and living place comfortable and relatively low stress?
Do you take time to laugh and play?
Are you satisfied with your job?
Are you happy in your relationship?
Do you take time to enjoy your significant other?
Does spending time with your friends energize you or drain you?
Do you take time each day to meditate/pray?
Are you satisfied with how you cope with life?

2. Become aware.
Stop and listen to your body and your soul. Be still and spend some time alone to contemplate your desires. You will discover what you really need when you take the time to pay attention. Meditating could be a wonderful way to do this. Once you figure out what is lacking and you become aware of what you require to feel more balanced, you will have a better chance of satisfying those needs and bringing balance into your life.

3. Set goals and intentions.
Set clear and realistic goals. Think through what you are trying to accomplish and come up with a doable strategy. Make a list of the things you wish to change and tasks that you will need to do to achieve your desires.

4. Plan for the challenges.
Have a plan ahead of time for how you will respond when you run into obstacles. There will most probably be times when you will face challenges, temptations, and setbacks that may keep you from sticking to your plan (fears, worries, doubts, negative self talk) Plan your response in advance and decide how you will overcome them. And if/when it happens, you will know what to do.

5. Move one step at a time.
Incorporate one small change in the area that’s out of balance. Then step-by-step, keep adding little changes until you feel content and more balanced. Do this so that you don’t become overwhelmed or discouraged. Remember, you can bring balance to your life, one small step at a time.

6. Seek help.
Connect and share your inner process with someone. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help or to accept it. Seek guidance when you need it. Find a person (a friend, a family member, or a mentor) who makes you feel supported, motivated, and focused — someone who can help you challenge your insecurities, overcome your fears, and celebrate your accomplishments.

7. Find inspiration
Find books, movies, music or people who will inspire and motivate you. Surround yourself with people who live the way you want to live. Someone who is living a balanced life can inspire hope and belief that you can also do it.

8. Prioritize.
“You can have it all, but you can’t have it all at the same time”, said Madeline Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State. So prioritize. Put what’s important to you first and if necessary, make sacrifices. Simply say no to things that are either not essential or don’t add something valuable to your life. Make time for the things that matter the most to you.

9. Eliminate the negative.
Minimize the negative influences around you. Avoid ‘toxic’ people (complainers, whiners, poor attitudes, and those who love drama). If you can’t completely avoid them, at least minimize contact and tune them out as much as you can. Surround yourself with positive, supportive, can-do people whenever possible.

10. Realign energetically.
When your life is out of balance, your energy bodies* and your chakras* will likely be out of balance also. You can have an energetic balancing performed by a certified Energy Healer, a Shaman, or a Reiki Practitioner. You can also do a Chakra Balancing meditation and utilize the help of crystals that promote balance and harmony (like Amethyst, Aragonite, Celestite, Emerald, Lapis, Ruby, or Turquoise) and balancing essential oils (such as Frankincense, Rosewood, and Spruce). Once you are energetically aligned, it might become more effortless for you to invite balance into all areas of your life.

11. Be patient.
Don’t push yourself too hard. Be patient and kind to yourself. It takes time and effort to overcome your habitual patterns and create new ones that will help you enjoy a more balanced life. Balance won’t feel good if you’re forceful to yourself in creating it!
